          「婉謝」各國救援物資或派遣救援團隊 If I were your President (I am not only a woman that is second to the man, but also a second class Chinese American, therefore, I cannot be your President; however, if you have firs 室內裝潢t class female Chinese [Because she has to be able to write best first class language instantly without second thought. That how I can only be appointed to die for your head, cannot like first cla 新成屋ss to sealed by personal loyalty <That how US military need to do the duty to kill their USA President Bush junior for the crime he committed not only failed to keep his personal loyalty in front of his eyes in 烤肉食材side his own room all the time, but also committed the crime to use public fund to hired his personal loyalty instead forcing his personal loyalty to share his room his bedding his clothing his transportation his meal all the time free of ch 房屋買賣arge.>"Myan.Shore" like Angus Tung.] good like me willing to be your head, she can do like "5.Jer.Ten" did to be the leader but not with the title King or Queen, she has to be a widow and a successful mother like General "岳.Face" mother, she has to have a per 售屋網sonal loyalty "Myan.Shore" to seal her from seeing or earing anyone else , anyone wants to communicate with her directly must through internet writing, letters, fax, anyone wants to communicate with her by talking can only talk to her through her "Myan.Shore", must not be al 術後面膜lowed to give her that anyone's ears or eyes no matter that anyone is female or male, boy or girl, old or young.) , I would not only have done the same 「婉謝」, but also would not allow anyone enter Taiwan again. You leave, you must not be allowed back again.救災 already 一團亂, how dare you allow an 買屋yone come into your place to bother any official who already too shock to know how to deal with those disaster? How dare you allow any those sucking 各國 team coming into your place committing "Chen.Whore.Duck.Jade" "When.Sway.Mold.Yu" crimes, adding up more "When.亂". Those sucking 各國 sucking "Way.Food.Boot.Ren" 房屋貸款charity not even care their own poor powerless helpless people, how dare you expect anyone of them care you sucking evil Taiwanese. You can challenge my words to investigate how much "Boot.1.Zhi.Child" your sucking "ChenSwayBen LeeDoneWheel" heartlessly "Huang.Whore" gangsters grouped lairs got through 9.21 shared along with their underground 辦公室出租 chained slavery terrors around the globe. You don't seal your border, your entire Taiwan must be sold out by your own evilest heartless enemy within, not if but when. "未見高官道歉"? You need to have guts to question 未見 God 道歉 First.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 酒店工作  .

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